
March 17, 2010

Welcome to my Blog!

By Andrew at 7:39 PM

Hello everyone!

Thanks for viewing my just-launched blog!  I am excited about this new space, especially since I have seldom ventured into the blogosphere in the past.  However, I intend to use this space as a consistent location for my thoughts and insights.

Some things that you can expect to see on here in the future include movie “reviews” (thoughts on movies I have recently viewed), new animations I have created, software and other technological finds, barefoot waterski news, and possibly some Huntington University news.  Look for my first actual post very soon.  I hope and aim for it to be sometime during the day on Sunday.

A final note in closing, throughout the rest of this semester, I will be continuously working on my whole website and theme.  I have started from scratch with the entire HTML code and CSS theme, using PHP and WordPress for certain portions.  As you can see from the navigational links, I have a couple of other pages planned in the near future, as well as moving my video pages into my own site.  Oh, another tidbit for those of you interested, I have extended my final project from my databases class last semester into the backend of my website; my final project will be driving the management of essentially my entire media gallery collection.

Alright, enough technical details.  Feel free to leave comments with requests and feedback; I cannot make any promises, but I will try the best I can to accommodate requests!


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