By Andrew at 8:32 AM
Occasionally I have been asked what programming languages are good to learn for someone interested in software design. In reality, the principles behind each language are very similar, allowing people to accomplish the same things through using essentially a different vocabulary. However, there do tend to be trends with which languages are most popular, and I will make an attempt to address a few of the more common languages today along with their general uses.
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By Andrew at 8:28 AM
You may have noticed that my website has recently undergone a few cosmetic changes. Since my junior year of college, I have used a custom, self-crafted theme on my website that has worked rather well for my professional needs. However, as technology and life have progressed, I have learned more about web standards and entered a new phase in life, meriting an update to my personal website.
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By Andrew at 9:47 AM
Another week has gone by, and this past one has been very eventful. I have lots of good news to share, including a job-status change!
I started out last week by submitting the iPad app to Apple that I have been developing since May continue »
By Andrew at 4:24 PM

Yesterday my first iPhone app was approved for the iTunes App Store! This project was derived from a January-Term course at my school, which I then polished and prepared for submission. Take a look at the app on the iTunes store here.