
March 7, 2012

Exciting News!

By Andrew at 9:47 AM


Another week has gone by, and this past one has been very eventful.  I have lots of good news to share, including a job-status change!

I started out last week by submitting the iPad app to Apple that I have been developing since May in conjunction with Dr. Del Doughty from Huntington University.  I submitted the app early Monday morning, and I received a notice just this past Sunday afternoon that the app had been accepted and is now for sale!  The app is called “HighMarks,” and it is a great tool for teachers and professors to help make grading papers and essays more efficient.  It allows teachers to import students’ papers into the app and interactively leave comments, by touch or by speaking, on any word within the document.  After they are finished leaving feedback, I have included integrated support for returning the annotated papers to students as HTML files (basically webpages), so that the students can view the comments with their papers on just about any computer, tablet, or phone.  Check out the website for the app at

So that was Sunday, and then on Monday I started work at DreamWorks full-time!  I had started out as a temporary employee, but the company decided that they want to keep me around and offered me the full-time position.  On Monday I went through orientation, so I am now working at my first full-time job!  Not much has changed with the position, but I will now receive all the benefits of a full-time employee.  Plus, my full-time status has started counting toward what should be my first film credit!  In addition, I have been training new render wranglers at work for several weeks now.  This has been a wonderful learning experience for me.

On Tuesday I had the unique opportunity to Skype with a class that I myself had been a part of at Huntington University.  As a part of Professor Bryan Ballinger’s “Inspirational Design” class, he hosts interviews with animators and artists from all over the media industry to show students the different areas that animators could end up working in.  I had the honor of speaking with the students yesterday, telling them a little about my job and part of the story of how I got to California.  I really enjoyed being able to share my experiences with others, especially when it could potentially help them in their future search for a job.  I definitely do not have everything figured out, but perhaps someone could still learn from my experiences.

And that was my week!  Between work at night and sleeping during the day, my schedule stays rather full.  I had thought that it would be somewhat helpful starting out in a new location, not knowing anyone and having an empty schedule, but I guess I am past that part and on to the busyness of life!  Oh well, it is probably best that way.  At least next weekend I have an extra day off!

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