
April 3, 2013

127 Hour Syndrome

By Andrew at 12:22 PM

Being single is tough. There are all sorts of activities out there that would be fun to participate in, but they can be unsafe when approached alone. I recently watched a film by Danny Boyle called “127 Hours,” a movie about a guy who went out into the desert wilderness, all alone, and ended up becoming stuck out there for several days without anyone realizing he was missing. While I have not been faced with such a situation so far, the premise hit close to home as I sometimes find myself going for hikes alone.

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March 22, 2013

Why I Want to be a Producer

By Andrew at 2:14 AM
Mountain Hike

I have known for many years that I was interested in the animation and moviemaking process. However, it was not until my junior year of college that I realized I was especially interested in producing and production management. In fact, it is more than just an interest in that area, I seem to have acquired certain skills conducive to such roles through various job opportunities, classes, and volunteer efforts. But why is it that I would choose production management to concentrate on? What makes this area so unique that I would choose this as the focus of my vocational endeavors?
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March 20, 2013

Super 8

By Andrew at 3:20 PM

Two popular filmmakers teamed up a couple of years back to create a much-anticipated summer movie called “Super 8.” Early on, very little was known about the movie, although clever marketing videos were released hinting at some sort of train crash which released a mysterious monster. Given the track records of both Steven Spielberg and J.J. Abrams, many were anticipating a huge hit, something perhaps along the lines of “Cloverfield,” an earlier film by Abrams that involved a monster attacking New York City. What they received was something fairly different, a movie that has more accurately been described as somewhat of a cross between Spielberg’s “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial” and “The Goonies.” And unlike most would have expected, the monster in the movie has a relatively minor role.
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December 26, 2012

Work Trip!

By Andrew at 12:27 PM
From DreamWorks Animation's Facebook Page

In late October the employees at my studio journeyed down to Los Angeles for a company-wide meeting with our LA-based co-workers. We left bright and early in the morning, and returned to the Bay Area late at night. It was a very exciting opportunity, although it made for a very long day.

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November 28, 2012

Speech at Huntington

By Andrew at 10:23 PM

As mentioned in my last post, here is an outline of the speech that I was honored to deliver at the dedication ceremony for the “Martin Center for Digital Media Arts.”
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September 19, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man

By Andrew at 12:57 PM

Although this movie has been out for some time, “The Amazing Spider-Man” was a movie that I enjoyed watching enough that I thought I would write a review. It was not the greatest movie ever made, nor was it my favorite movie of the summer. But it was a fun film, and one that I would recommend seeing once if you enjoy superhero movies. continue »

July 8, 2012

Visiting Hollywoodland

By Andrew at 10:15 AM

A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of visiting the Los Angeles area to see some friends and to work from down there for a couple of days.  This was my first trip to this city, and it is interesting to be able to say that I have officially visited the “big four” cities in California now (San Diego,  LA, San Francisco, Sacramento).  Anyhow, I had a good trip, and was able to see some interesting sights along the way.

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June 14, 2012

Zathura: A Space Adventure

By Andrew at 8:47 AM

Recently I watched “Zathura: A Space Adventure,” not expecting too much from it since I thought that it would merely be a “Jumanji” knock-off.  Surprisingly, I was actually quite wrong.  While it is true that, at the most basic level, the story is about two kids that are pulled into a game that destroys their lives until they finish it, there are several rather interesting twists, and they consist of more than just setting the game in space. continue »

March 28, 2012

Tron: Legacy

By Andrew at 9:18 AM

There are several movies that I especially appreciate for various reasons.  Oftentimes, I will appreciate a specific aspect of a movie, even though other elements may be sub-par.  If I were to list some of the movies that I thought were the best-made movies of all time, I would consider titles such as “The Dark Knight,” “Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King,” or “Inception.”  But in selecting my favorite movies, I do not necessarily define them as the best-made movies of all time.  Instead, when selecting something as subjective as my “favorite,” I choose according to what I enjoy most. continue »

March 7, 2012

Exciting News!

By Andrew at 9:47 AM


Another week has gone by, and this past one has been very eventful.  I have lots of good news to share, including a job-status change!

I started out last week by submitting the iPad app to Apple that I have been developing since May continue »

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