By Andrew at 2:13 PM
So what have I been up to for the past year? I am glad you asked! 2013 has been an eventful year, with much more traveling than I expected, plenty of work, opportunities to see many friends and family members, and a chance to make some new friends along the way! I hope you enjoy a glimpse of what I have been up to over the past twelve months.
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By Andrew at 2:14 AM
I have known for many years that I was interested in the animation and moviemaking process. However, it was not until my junior year of college that I realized I was especially interested in producing and production management. In fact, it is more than just an interest in that area, I seem to have acquired certain skills conducive to such roles through various job opportunities, classes, and volunteer efforts. But why is it that I would choose production management to concentrate on? What makes this area so unique that I would choose this as the focus of my vocational endeavors?
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By Andrew at 12:27 PM
In late October the employees at my studio journeyed down to Los Angeles for a company-wide meeting with our LA-based co-workers. We left bright and early in the morning, and returned to the Bay Area late at night. It was a very exciting opportunity, although it made for a very long day.
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By Andrew at 10:23 PM
As mentioned in my last post, here is an outline of the speech that I was honored to deliver at the dedication ceremony for the “Martin Center for Digital Media Arts.”
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By Andrew at 9:47 AM
Another week has gone by, and this past one has been very eventful. I have lots of good news to share, including a job-status change!
I started out last week by submitting the iPad app to Apple that I have been developing since May continue »
By Andrew at 8:55 AM
I am a Render Wrangler. Now, I sometimes forget to consider the humorous connotations that these two words exhibit when taken individually, but I have been told by people such as my mother that she thinks of cowboys when I talk about my position. Sorry, I am in the West, but no cattle drives! In short, a Render Wrangler is someone who manages renders. That is why my official title is “Technical Resource Administrator,” since we administer, or wrangle, technical resources (computers). continue »