
March 22, 2013

Why I Want to be a Producer

By Andrew at 2:14 AM
Mountain Hike

I have known for many years that I was interested in the animation and moviemaking process. However, it was not until my junior year of college that I realized I was especially interested in producing and production management. In fact, it is more than just an interest in that area, I seem to have acquired certain skills conducive to such roles through various job opportunities, classes, and volunteer efforts. But why is it that I would choose production management to concentrate on? What makes this area so unique that I would choose this as the focus of my vocational endeavors?
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March 20, 2013

Super 8

By Andrew at 3:20 PM

Two popular filmmakers teamed up a couple of years back to create a much-anticipated summer movie called “Super 8.” Early on, very little was known about the movie, although clever marketing videos were released hinting at some sort of train crash which released a mysterious monster. Given the track records of both Steven Spielberg and J.J. Abrams, many were anticipating a huge hit, something perhaps along the lines of “Cloverfield,” an earlier film by Abrams that involved a monster attacking New York City. What they received was something fairly different, a movie that has more accurately been described as somewhat of a cross between Spielberg’s “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial” and “The Goonies.” And unlike most would have expected, the monster in the movie has a relatively minor role.
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March 13, 2013

They Say it is a Virtue

By Andrew at 3:30 PM
3-12-13 Waiting

As the sort of person who has to constantly be doing something, I find it discouraging to be sit around and wait. And while it seems that I have had a fair share of waiting over the past couple of years, I have been able to learn much while I am waiting. That does not make it any easier, but I have definitely had plenty of opportunities to think about waiting, while I wait.
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March 6, 2013

What We Wish For

By Andrew at 1:27 PM
3-3-13 Shopping

We have all heard the saying, “Be careful what you wish for!” We realize from this that we need to be grateful for what we do have, rather than wishing for different circumstances. Unfortunately, I have fallen into this trap on several occasions, but never more blatantly than a situation I have found myself in over the course of the past week. While I do not believe that wishing in itself is at all a causality, it does lend a sense of irony to such situations.
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