
January 24, 2017

Quarter-life Crisis

By Andrew at 7:33 AM

At the beginning of 2015 as I was re-evaluating after the closure of PDI I reached an intriguing juncture. I had two degrees, one in animation and one in computer science, and work experience in technology to go along with the degrees. Couple that with living just north of Silicon Valley, and I had some serious decision making to consider.
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January 10, 2017

PDI: The Closing of an Era

By Andrew at 8:19 AM

2015 began as a quiet year. We had finished up The Penguins of Madagascar at the end of 2014, and we were just beginning on a couple of other projects that were not scheduled for release until summer or after. However, toward the middle of January I started hearing rumors of a meeting, a meeting that would end up shifting the course of my career.
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